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Uncovering Aliens on Discovery's Animal Planet
I am Proud to be a cast member (in my series in Sedona) to Uncovering Aliens on Discovery's Animal Planet/
Discovery Science/American Heroes
I am Proud to be a cast member (in my series in Sedona) to Uncovering Aliens on Discovery's Animal Planet
This version of Uncovering Aliens is enhanced with actual HD digital footage. It may not be advisable for children*
Wilbur Allen and John B. Wells on Imaginative Worlds
The Search for ET Portals and Bases: AREA 51/Sedona/Washington DC (National Geographic)
4th of July, 2014 at the Washington Monument (Silent). During the fireworks display, Lady Gaga was playing over
the grounds speakers. When the camera recorded her music, the video track became her copyright based on the
music recorded by the camera. This is not her production, so her audio had to be stripped out. This is a silent film.
Washington Monument scan 11-30-2012
July 4, 2010 , 2011 & 2012@ The Washington Monument
Sequence of frames taken showing luminous anomalies appear above the apex of the Washington Monument
Frame prior too UFO samples and frame after and each remaining frames, were UFO free.
Witness Account:DC
Occurred : 7/4/2010 (Entered as : 7/04/2010) Reported: 8/10/2010 12:03:13 PM 12:03 Posted: 8/24/2010 Location: Washington, D.C., DC Shape: Circle Duration:2mn. |
I saw Two ufo object's over the Washington Monument during the 4th. of July events. noticed to the left above the Washington Monument, to the left were two luminous objects while taking photo's. |
Source: NUFORC
The anomalies suddenly appear, however were witnessed by individuals at a party at another location.
The 2 objects are at the same altitude however space in this sample which echoes July 4, 2002*!/video/video.php?v=404645309194 Video of 7-04-2010 UFO*
UFO's @ The Washington Monument, July 4, 2010. 1140 frames were taken from a stationary platform at the base of the Monument.
In 1 frame were 2 luminous anomalies. They appear in this single frame, at the same altitude but different locations in the sky.
The anomalies suddenly appear, for this to happen in 1 frame of 1140 is = too .087%
I have imaged this anomaly many times before, and it seems to shadow me wherever I go?
The second anomaly frame left of the HD image sample
Perspective of Both Airborne Anomalies
Frame after and each that follows are UFO free fireworks imagery in HD
Samples featured on MSNBC News
July 4, 2011 UFO Event @ The Washington Monument is the third imaged by me at this Location*
July 4, 2011 UFO Event @ The Washington Monument There were 2 objects in the air*, Cloaked.
One frame with 2 luminous spheres imaged before the start of the show*
Anomaly 1
Anomaly 2 above the apex of the Monument, again?
Frame 1 UFO event July 4, 2011 @ The Washington Monument Eyewitness report from location different than POV of sample*
The trajectory of sample is consistent with location of report*
Frame 1 enhanced Consistent with sample, however away from Geographic POV*
To have physical documentation supported by I witness reports*
Frame 2
Frame 2 Enhanced
Frame 3, July 4, 2011
Frame 3 enhanced sample July 4, 2011. Object seemed to absorb light* as it passed through the smoke
Frame 4
Frame 4 Enhanced
Frame 5 (Final frame of anomaly) Video Analysis
Though diffused by darkness, it was still oddly visible* (Final frame of anomaly), 1 second of action in the
5 frames sampled.
Composite frame has 6 exposures layered to show objects trajectory. In the last 2 examples, the object banks left, flying
in the direction of Reagan National/The Pentagon
This J-4-2011 object is consistent with a cloaked anomaly I encountered 6-03-2011. Object applied "Tractor Beam", causing a
stationary mounted camera, too move while taking autonomous images (Radio Controlled)
July 4, 2012
7-04-2012 Washington Monument UFO formation is consistent with UFOs from 1952
7-04-2012 Washington Monument UFO formation is consistent with UFOs from 1952 (Enhanced sample)
HD Video of extraordinary event: Click on image
The objects from July 4, 2012 are a match to objects imaged in 1952. From the video taken July 4, 2012, I selected a single anomaly.
I put a tracking camera on that object, and film it only. Segments of this tracking footage was used to create this stills composite.
July 4, 1949 The Pentagon
Photo USAF Intelligence Officer
My Big Redneck Vacation
Cloaked UFO Anomaly back lighted by electrical discharge 6-17-2011. This extraordinary sample shows 2 disc anomalies (Cloaked)
fly through the frame sample. Taken in sequence during the storm in hopes of capturing a lightening bolt, I got more than
I bargained for!
A composite of 10 images taken 6-01-2011. This anomaly moved intelligently through the imaged samples*
10-15-2010 Imaged at 1/8000th of a second
10-15-2010 Imaged at 1/8000th of a second, this anomaly is a match to that imaged above the Washington Monument
July 4, 2010*.
File enhanced. This object is 100% exactly like that which is imaged July 4, 2010 at the Washington Monument
(10-15-2010 image example)
July 4, 2010. Side by side analysis:
Comparative Analysis July 4 and October 15th UFO Anomalies
10-22-2010 imaged @ 1/8000th of a second
10-22-2010 dual UFOs @ hyper velocity (1/8000th of a second)
The comparative analysis of these objects is consistent with the objects imaged above the Washington Monument*
Hyper anomalies imaged over Lawrenceville New Jersey 11-12-2010 match the object imaged on July 4, 2010!/album.php?aid=243232&id=783309194
Mount Vernon NY 10/2011* airborne anomaly with consistent characteristics as objects presented in this analysis.
Streaks in an image taken @ 1/8000th of a second, indicated that the additional anomalies were moving much faster than the shutter speed.
The smaller objects are always in formation, generally a triangular configuration.
4-02=2011 Upper Marlboro Maryland
4-02=2011 Upper Marlboro Maryland. In a series of images taken of the Sun, 1 frame showed a familiar anomaly at high velocity.
Matched Anomalies (like 4th of July 2010 anomalies) imaged in the air over a street in DC 5-30-2010
8-22-2010 over Logan Circle flight trajectory of luminous anomaly*
Match to object imaged above the Washington Monument July 4, 2010
How ironic, that I should capture something similar, July 4, 2002 on George Washington Parkway
11:00 o'clock the Monument are 4 stationary objects and an anomaly frame right, seen as a series
of pulses (J-4 Pulse UFO)*.
11:00 o'clock the Monument
Note the stationary formation of objects and airborne "skid" marks 11:00 o'clock the Washington
Monument , and the linear pulsing object, which seems to be on an intercept course to the
stationary set of objects?
This object (J-4 Pulse) suddenly appears in the image. On the exposure is what looks like the
inflection point of a wormhole, from which this object exited. *
Inflection point vortex (Point of entry from hyperspace too normal space. This is not a conventional
aircraft* Note the flaring at the end (beginning) of this sample. This is the point of inflection, entry
point from hyper too normal space as illustrated by this HD film sample. Film processed in RMOS.
The objects that were 11:00 o'clock the Monument are now directly beside it.
45 seconds later the formation moves from the 11:00 o'clock position too directly beside it.
Pulse Object traveled from right to left. Each pulse is spaced exactly the same
(Was also seen on the Moon by Apollo Astronauts)
Pulse analysis
This is HD film: Fujichrome 160T @ 1280 ISO, processed in RMOS Technology
(Irradiated chemistry)* These samples represent First Contact of UFO's on film in HD* Note:
In the smoke is a residual signature of the lead formation. This object moved at extreme
velocity. They are consistent with anomalies I am imaging moving at hypervelocity (faster
than 1/8000th of a second). Moving at such speed would inhibit them from being seen,
which they are not. We cannot see objects moving faster than 100 mph, let lone an object
moving 8000 mph? The cloak of invisibility, anything faster than the processing speed of
an 8086 human brain. 8086 is way before Windows, very slow and limited. As is the Human
Brain (Thought processor). Even so, we are limited further with an inability to see in the dark
or things that exist at a higher vibratory level.
Washington Monument anomalies enhanced film sample (July 4, 2002)
6-25-2010 sample @ 1/8000th of a second (Note this is an HD digital sample and that the blue of this object is consistent with the film
samples of 2002 and those imaged by the crew of Apollo 16*
8-30-2010 samples @ 1/8000th of a second. (Sequence of 3 images frame 1 of 3)
8-30-2010 samples @ 1/8000th of a second. (Sequence of 3 images frame 2 of 3)
8-30-2010 samples @ 1/8000th of a second. (Sequence of 3 images frame 3 of 3)
J-4 Pulse now 100% stationary. This object was pursued by 2 USAF F-16's outside of Andrews AFB
in Maryland.
J-4 Pulse Analysis 2010:!/video/video.php?v=391026519194 Featuring Miles Davis!/video/video.php?v=386323109194: Vectoring Anomaly 2010
© VAu000621288 WG Allen 2004/2010
© VAu000621288 WG Allen 2004/2010 Sample generated a structure in one pulse of sample stream*
This perhaps is the design of an antigravity extraterrestrial spacecraft*
Object was decelerating during this exposure, and came to 100% stop in
the next image? Moon Footage supports images taken at the Washington Monument*
Click on NASA Moon image for animation for clip sample.
J-4 Pulse now 100% stationary. J-4 Pulse Analysis 2010:!/video/video.php?v=391026519194: Featuring Miles Davis!/video/video.php?v=386323109194: Vectoring Anomaly 2010
© VAu000621288 WG Allen 2004/2010Object enters into the image, and during the length of this exposure, manifested itself, in evenly space pulses, during forwards fold.
The ionized turbulence trail could be the byproduct of nuclear antigravity technology. The same affect was essentially captured at
the US Capitol, in the sample with the green spheres. When it moved, the air around it glowed, as does the air in this sample. Point of Inflection and the first and second enhanced samples of this anomaly as it entered normal space. Note, it suddenly appears in the
image sample during this exposure of the fireworks at the Washington Monument.. The sample was enhanced using Solarization.
Dr. J. Ken Johnston (LM Pilot)
Dr. Neil Armstrong, Apollo Moon Missions; On the Moon these men encountered Blue UFO Anomalies*
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